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Day 6….

Today was my first day going back to work since we brought Kobe home from his amputation last week. It was harder than I thought to leave him and was really glad I work close enough that I could come home over my lunch hour and check on him. He was really excited to see me (according to his wagging tail and big Kobe smile) and glad I could take him out to go to the bathroom. I don’t know if it’s the medication he is on but ever since his surgery – Kobe has to go out more than he used to.  I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow to get his Fentanyl patch off and for them to just check out his incision. My husband (Adam) and I feel like his incision looks good but honestly we don’t know how it should look so I’ll be relieved when I hear it’s ok. He had a lot bruising immediately after his surgery and that is starting to go away. I am glad I took a picture of his incision the first night so we can really see the improvement. We’re hoping that Kobe will start sleeping through the night tonight – he hasn’t yet but last night he slept until 4 am so I think he’s getting closer.

Kobe loves to lay out by the pool and be in the sunshine.

Kobe loves to sit by us and here he is resting his paw on his daddy's foot.

7 Responses to “Day 6….”

  1.   jakesmom
    August 10th, 2010 | 12:21 am       Reply

    Ohhhh… I love the pictures! Glad to hear that Kobe is getting better. Remember, it takes time to recover from the surgery and all… It’s only day 6… and the first 2 weeks are where you’ll have the most ups and downs while recovering… Keep posting pictures of Kobe!!

    Angel Jake and Wolfie’s Mom

  2.   Carmen (Catie's Mom)
    August 10th, 2010 | 1:05 am       Reply

    Great pictures. Didn’t see this post until I already posted on your earlier one! He is really looking wonderful though. Nice that you could check on him during the day! Bet that made you feel better.

    And reclining in the sunshine makes us all feel better. 🙂

  3.   jerry
    August 10th, 2010 | 3:16 am       Reply

    Hey Kobe you’re wearing the cone of shame! You have to put that pic in our Cone of Shame gallery in the forums.

    Glad to hear your first day home alone went well. You’re doing GREAT!!! Keep it up.

  4. August 10th, 2010 | 4:47 am       Reply

    Sounds like Kobe is doing well so far – I imagine it would be difficult to have to go back to work after Kobe’s surgery. Luckily you’re able to see him during the day which must bring a lot of relief. He looks really good in the photo even for wearing the cone of shame :)(his paw looks pretty good too :)) Wishing you lots of luck tomorrow at the vets – we will be keeping our paws crossed for Kobe for a smooth and speedy recovery!
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  5.   etgayle
    August 10th, 2010 | 12:37 pm       Reply

    the cone of shame….yikes!!! we LOVE the picture of ‘paw to toe’ – you need to crop and frame that, REALLY. the simplest thing, a touch, can mean so much and be so powerful. definitely a keeper!!!

    charon & gayle

  6.   Fortis'dad
    August 10th, 2010 | 2:10 pm       Reply

    Kobe looks to be recovery just fine. Hey, does daddy’s foot have a body attached?

    You need to add Kobe’s photo to the “The Cone Of Shame” photo album in the forums. The pictures are great the way.

    I hope the vet visit goes well today. Give Kobe a big hug for me and Fortis.

  7.   nstephenson
    August 17th, 2010 | 7:42 pm       Reply

    Hi Kobe,

    I can tell your Mom and Dad love you very much. Let’s kick some butt and get better.

    James the poodle

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